A Prayer For Creatives

Jesus, please help us to see and understand the things we do not know.  Awaken us to the light and inspiration that you have for us today.  Bless us with creativity and vision.  May the things we create give peace to others, and help them feel encouraged and alive.  We pray that our thoughts are vessels of Your wisdom, that our words are vessels of Your creativity, and our actions vessels of  Your divine love.  We are grateful for our God-given talents, may we use them to do Your work.  Lord God, give us your perspective on our human condition.  We are grateful for your insight.  Remind us to see the good, and to respect the dignity of all peoples.  Show us the false narratives and assumptions that we may struggle with.  Bless us with the knowledge and patience to be better.  Give us the courage to create something truthful.  Holy Spirit, protect us from despair as we recognize the truths of human suffering.  Please give peace to the minds of those suffering and give us the strength to spread the true words of hope.  Please bless our hearts and minds with ideas to bring new possibilities to Your world, according to Your plan and purpose.  We are vessels of Your glory.  Thank you for the gift of creation.  Let us imagine with the mind of Christ.  Amen.