Welcome to Aprés Coffee just a schmancy way of saying "After Coffee" because everything happens well...ya know after the coffee... 

A blog about faith, life, and well coffee, aiming to offer universal encouragement and wisdom based on the Word that is accessible for everyone regardless of your religion.  

T.S. Eliot said, "we read to know we're not alone." The Bible is the greatest example- with God we are never alone. Most of our daily trials or worse have been faced and conquered by those who came before us.    

Coffee and faith are naturally connected, my morning ritual consists of reading a passage from the Bible along with a cup of coffee...or let’s be honest two or three cups of coffee. Faith energizes the soul while coffee energizes the body. 

So here's a collection of incomplete thoughts on life’s not-so-great mysteries...and snacks because who doesn't love snacks...

“Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God,”

- Matthew 4:4 

“My destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing,” - Marcel Proust